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Situational Awareness Seminar with Ron Holmes

The intent for this seminar to is help you build a foundation of preparedness; to identify fact from fear or fiction. To understand you control what you can control and adjust on the fly - one problem at a time and to remain vigilant.

About the Course

Course Materials

Liability Waiver

Volunteer Liability Waiver





What to Bring

  • Notebook

  • Water/Snacks

We will work to build a prepared community and not a paranoid one by focusing on a few topics. We will help you create new habits and a lifestyle of always remaining situationally aware.


We understand the stress that is involved with the unknown along with the confusion on where to start. Our goal/intent is to provide a foundation to better prepare the individual for what may come their way, also a road map on how to start and prioritize.


The world isn’t getting any safer, and remember 911 is a NICE TO HAVE and will never get there fast enough. The national response time is 9-16 minutes. What are your capabilities and abilities to positively fill those 16 minutes.


Goals and Objectives of the Seminar


  • To know and understand the difference between being a SOFT Target and a HARD Target.

  • Threat Detection.  If you see something say something, identify threats and make a decision instantly.  It’s better to be wrong than be a victim.

  • Understand how to talk to 911 PROS and CONS.

  • Introduction to COOPERS Color Chart as it pertains to situational awareness.

  • Explain SLLS (Stop, Look, Listen, and Smell)

  • Techniques for creating new habits leading to a strong SA foundation.  

  • Security in Layers, for the home, car, work.  Emergency actions in the home, while traveling.  AN example would be a fire, home invasion, medical emergency.  All have similarities but all require individual attention.  

  • Tips to help you remain safe when traveling, dos and don'ts for hotels, air bnb, rental cars, uber and cabs.  

  • Self Defense, understanding the laws as they pertain to you state and where you may be traveling.  Play to your strengths, use your surroundings. 

  • Do you have a medial plan? Have you attended stop the bleed training? Do you have a med kit? For the home, car, everyday bag? If yes, have the other members in your home done the same? If not what have you done to prepare them?

  • How to set up your vehicle and your everyday bag.  

  • Electronics, they are our best friend and our worst enemy.  Understand that convenience can lead to complacency.  Complacency leads to routine or poor SA.    


We will work to leave you with information to better prepare you and your family.  To provide you with tools to see it before it happens.  To have the tools to make a decision and be the difference.

Course Dates

To schedule a course not listed email

About Ron  Holmes

Ron served 20 years in the Marines, most of that in Force Recon and Marine Special Operations Commands. Post Retirement I worked as a diplomatic advisor. His 25 years of global experience has led to the development of RYKER USA. He has provided over 10 years of

training for Situational Awareness, Home Security Assessments, Personal Security Protection and Firearms instruction. His team is made up of current and former Special Operators and Law Enforcement specialist. Their platforms have provided over 10,000 hours of instruction for over 4000 clients.  Training that is realistic, safe, challenging, effective, aggressive and yet affordable. We like to say we train Soccer Moms to Special Operators.

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